Rise Club

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Aim of the Club:
- To hone the flair towards the English Language among the RTC students.
- To encourage the students to meaningfully exercise their rights for freedom of speech through the English Language.
objective :
Events are classified into
- Performing Arts
- Creative Writing
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Execution :
- Selection of Student coordinators.
- To conduct a meeting with Student Coordinators every fortnight to conduct the events.
- To create a Facebook page, Twitter page for the “ELEGANCE FOR ELOQUENCE” Club and encourage students to keep a portfolio for their productions.
- To conduct one event every fortnight and submit the report to Club Chief Coordinators.
- A time frame of 30 minutes for Creative writing and ICT and a maximum of 1 hour for Performing Arts
Club Coordinators:
Ms.T. Edith Evangeline AP/English