Club Media

“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.” Ansel Adams
Club Media encourage the student’s innovation through photography, to share and analyze the photographs of peers, to educate and improve technical skills, and to spread the love of photography.
Rules and Guidelines:
- Any one of the given theme can be taken and minimum of five (05) photos has to be presented in the selected theme.
- The photograph must be original and no watermark of any kind should be on the photograph.
- Only one entry is allowed per photographer
- Participants may send photographs JPEG, PDF, or PNG (No RAW or PSD image files accepted).
- It can be in Landscape/Portrait mode.
- Contestants are not allowed to digitally alter, remove or change objects in a photograph or add special effect enhancements to photo submissions in the following categories: People, Scenic Nature, Abstract / Conceptual.
- Adult content of any kind will not be entertained and would lead to direct disqualification.
Format of submit your Photos:
The photograph must be sent to this whatsapp number 8608023006 (Mr. Jafrin Shariff H) on or before Day1: November 13, 2021, 11:59 AM & Day2: November 15, 2021, 11:59 AM with the following format:
- Name
- Department
- Date/Period of capturing the photograph
- Caption of the photograph
- Whatsapp number
In case of any query, Contact
- Mr. Ashick Sheriff A (+91 86103 19117)
- Mr. Sikkendarbasha S (+91 63833 39496)
Event Staff In-charge:
- Mr. Santhoshkumar S P, AP/ IT, (+91 99945 25372)