VISA Requirement And Guidelines

- Foreign Nationals desirous of coming into India are required to possess a valid passport of their country and a valid Indian Visa. The only exceptions are nationals of Nepal and Bhutan who can enter India without a visa. (Note: Nepalese nationals need a visa if entering India from China).
- To study in India it is mandatory for an international student to procure an Indian Student Visa.
- Visa can be applied for in person or by post (in certain High Commissions/Embassies, it is responsibility of the student to check with particular embassy on postal visa application) to the High Commission of India based in the country from where the candidate intends to depart for India.
- Applicant need to mention the name of the Institute while applying for the visa, which is then mentioned on the visa.
- International students taking admission at Rathinam Group of Institutions should make sure that the Student Visa is endorsed to Rathinam Group of Institutions by the visa issuing authority.
- A request for change of Institution or institution subsequently made cannot be considered. In this case you would be required to go back to your home country and apply for a new visa.
- Also, if you have entered India on basis of documents provided by the Institution then it is your responsibility to ensure that you directly join and report to the Institution. The Visa endorsed on the name of the Institution or obtained on the basis of Institution’s documents cannot be used for any other purpose like employment , admission to any other Institution/college/institute/academy etc or for non-regular (distance/online) mode of education.
- After reaching the Institution students have to get the visa verified by the Institution and have to deposit a copy of the valid visa.
- It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that throughout his/her study period student is on valid visa.
- In case the initial visa is not endorsed for the complete duration of the programme or student has to extend the stay because he/she is not able to complete the programme in the stipulated time then the student should apply for the extension of the visa before visa expires.
- It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that visa should be applied well in advance and time. It generally takes 3-8 weeks to get the Indian Visa thus it is advisable to apply for the visa accordingly and consult the Indian High Commission/Embassy if required.
- In case a student reports to the Institution late because of the Visa/Tickets Availability or any other personal issue, no relaxation related to attendance or any favour for completing the assignment, submitting the missed assignments, sitting for the missed examination(s), relaxation in the marks etc. will be given.
- Students joining the Institution after the prescribed time period may be denied admission. In such cases the fees etc. deposited by the applicant would be forfeited and further no claim for the expense made for the travelling, visa or any other expense made or hardship suffered by the student will be entertained.
- Even, after joining the Institution if the student leaves the country then it is the responsibility of the student to report back at the Institution on time.
- In case student is expelled from the Institution or the student decides to leave the programme then an affidavit has to be submitted to the Institution that he/she will leave India immediately and will not use visa issued on the basis of Rathinam Group of Institutions documents to stay in India.
- Institution may debar the student to continue attending classes or staying in the Institutions hostel facility if student does not maintain a valid visa/ FRRO or does not follow any guidelines issued by the Govt. of India/ Govt. of Tamil Nadu/Rathinam Group of Institutions/ any other authority from time to time.
- For loss of attendance/ academics or any expenditure so occurred because of such action by the Institution, the student himself will be responsible and no relaxation or benefit may be provided in such cases and all expenditure has to be born by the student.