The 71st Republic Day was celebrated in all its solemnity and grandeur at Rathinam Technical Campus on 26th January 2020.The celebration began with the flag hoist by the Chief Guest Mr.S.Elango,MSc, Inspector of Police(Special Branch),Coimbatore followed by the flag song and the song reverberated in the surroundings with a patriotic favor. The melodious music and the gracious moment was spellbinding. The tricolors of the fag fluttered skyscraping majestically.
The Chief Guest Mr.S.Elango,MSc, Inspector of Police(Special Branch),Coimbatore felicitated the gathering and delivered his valuable message to uplift the honor, dignity and integrity of the nation. We had a prize distribution ceremony for various winners of Tamil Mantram competitions. Finally vote of thanks was proposed and the celebration came to an end with a message to create a great nation through collective efforts from all individual and singing the National anthem. Sweets were distributed among all the guests.